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Yellow Card Incidents

A yellow card in soccer is a form of disciplinary action given by the referee to a player for committing certain offenses. It serves as a caution and is shown to the player to indicate that they have committed a reckless foul or unsporting behavior. Common reasons for receiving a yellow card include:

  • Unsporting behavior (e.g., excessive celebration, simulation, or diving)

  • Dissent by word or action

  • Persistent infringement of the Laws of the Game

  • Delaying the restart of play

  • Failing to respect the required distance when play is restarted with a corner kick, free kick, or throw-in

  • Entering or re-entering the field of play without the referee's permission

  • Deliberately leaving the field of play without the referee's permission

If a player receives two yellow cards in a single match, they are shown a red card and are sent off the field, resulting in their team having to play with one fewer player for the remainder of the game.

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