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Tactical Fouls

A tactical foul or called SPA in soccer refers to a deliberate foul committed by a player to stop the opposing team's attack or to disrupt their play. These fouls are typically not overly aggressive or violent but are instead calculated actions intended to prevent the opposing team from advancing, especially when they are in a potentially dangerous position to score.

Here’s how tactical fouls are usually perceived by referees:


  • Stopping a Counter-Attack: A common example is when a player commits a foul to halt a fast break or counter-attack, where the opposing team is moving quickly and has a good chance of creating a scoring opportunity.

  • Breaking Up Play: Sometimes, players commit tactical fouls to slow down the tempo of the game, especially if the opposing team is gaining momentum or putting pressure on them.

  • Disrupting a Key Player: Tactical fouls can also be used to disrupt the flow of a particularly skilled or influential player on the opposing team by preventing them from making a key pass or run.

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